Welcome to the Website of PB Rippey!
PB Rippey PB Rippey
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PB Rippey
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PB Rippey

For up to date news, please visit my writing blog, where everything from poetry, fiction and occasional pet shots (sorry) are featured, but mostly musings and news (I promise):


I am known to Tweet:


One thing I'm very excited about is this reading in 2014---Sunday, February 9th, 7:00p.m.:

Rhapsodomancy Reading at the Good Luck Bar, Los Feliz


PB Rippey's work appears or is forthcoming in many journals, including, ZYZZYVA, Askew Poetry Journal, Chaparral, The Pedestal Magazine, anderbo.com, Other Voices International, Runes, Pool, Solo 7, Mary, Slope, Phoebe, Poetry NZ, Chattahoochee Review, Santa Barbara Independent, and elsewhere. She is the winner of the Abroad Writers' Conferences Summer 2007 Poetry Fellowship. Her poetry chapbook, Nightmares With Moons is available from Pudding House, the most wonderful independent chapbook publisher on the planet, apart from Finishing Line Press, the publishers of PB's future second chapbook of poetry. PB lives in the West San Fernando Valley with her husband and energetic Kindergartner. There, she revises her middle-grade novel, her for-adults novel and writes poems between playdates, meals and the rest of motherhood, escaping to the beach for intense tide pool exploration with her son whenever possible.


Photo: Scooter Strohmaier

PB Writes

The Glib Notes:
A seventh generation Californian, PB Rippey's ancestors helped design and engineer the Disneyland-esque curls and lethal twists of the Pasadena Freeway, owned valuable downtown Los Angeles real estate and lost everything via gambling and the railroads (somehow). One of her great uncles was shot and killed by his rival after winning a Los Angeles City Schools Superintendent seat (early 'gone postal' episode). Her grandmother has a local school library named after her. Her great aunt saved Ronald Reagan from drowning in Avalon Harbor, Catalina Island, long, long ago, when the future president foolishly pursued the (married) sea-nymph into a wintry ocean and promptly went into hypothermic shock. PB's great-cousin, great aunt and grandmother all appeared as extras in the original King Kong. PB enjoys looking at photos of her relatives drinking in Musso & Frank, Hollywood. Everyone wears hats and no one is smiling. Born in Pasadena, PB grew up in Santa Barbara, then Oxford, England, then back to Santa Barbara, her true hometown.



CONTACT: PB@pbrippey.com
The Web Site of PB Rippey - Program Content & Photography ©2006 - 2010 PB Rippey
Los Angeles, California USA. All rights reserved.

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